Interview with Holly Dennis, creator of Harmony Chai

chai interviews vegan food Jan 26, 2020

It was a crisp autumn day when I walked into our local grocery store. I smelled ginger, cinnamon and cloves. 

Holly Dennis, creator of Harmony Chai was handing out free steaming hot cups of her vegan chai with a warm smile!

The chai is unique because it’s not over-sweet like other chai. My taste buds lit up after I tasted it. 

Holly started her business in 1993 in Homer, Alaska. She was inspired by somebody who was brewing chai. So, after many years of experimenting with recipes, she started selling her chai during festivals and gatherings. Loads of customers loved her tea, so she made Harmony Chai, a yummy chai tea company we like.

Authors Note

The reason I made this article is because I thought you would like Harmony Chai tea. 

Holly Dennis was so happy to get my interview, she let me take a picture with her. She also sells our favorite falafel pita sandwiches at our Sunday Farmers Market. Her website is: Order some yummy chai tea today!

Thank you Holly for the free chai tea and the interview.

-Nikko W. Naugle, Creative Genius 


Written by Nikko W. Naugle

I write whenever and whatever I can. I hope to one day be a famous author. I write blog articles, and I am a local newspaper contributor (read my Editorial Bio, Zero Waste, and Building Community ) and I write lots of book reviews. I am 9 years old, I love to read, ride bikes, skateboard, swim, and I have lived half my life in Guatemala and half on a small island in the Salish Sea. This is my personal website, and you can find my family’s website at


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